The DERS Network

Schools using the DERS become part of the DERS Network, a community of practice helping to develop a new assessment model for measuring what matters in developmental learning environments.  Network members get access to assessment tools,  webinars for support and assessment guidance, and shared data.


Assessment Tools


Minnesota Executive Function Scale (MEFS)

The MEFS is a highly reliable, easily administered assessment of executive functioning usable with children as young as two.  The test assesses cognitive flexibility, working memory, and inhibitory control in one brief measure.  Training is included with the DERS training, along with licenses for use with 20 children.  Additional licenses are available for $7 per child annually. 


NCMPS Assessment Tools

Alumni and Receiving Teacher Questionnaires: These assessments, delivered through a digital survey platform, document the experiences of children (and their teachers) after they leave a program.

Adaptation and Normalization Checks: These tools help teachers with objective early identification of children having difficulty meeting classroom norms and expectations, to offer additional support. They can be used with NCMPS’ Child Study protocol, or as independent measures.

Observing Work Engagement: Separate tools for Primary and Elementary guide observations towards student engagement and purposeful activity.

Teacher Appraisal Instrument (TAI): The TAI is a teacher assessment tool which aligns evaluation with developmental teaching practice.

Data Sharing

All shared data collected will remain the exclusive property of the DERS/MEFS Network.  Individual data will belong to individual schools, and member schools may report their own results in any manner they wish.  Aggregated school and classroom level results may be reported for validation purposes, but at no time will Network schools, teachers or students be identified.

Where in the world are DERS Network Schools?